Which States Have the Most Escalator Deaths?
I recently added a page about the states that have the most elevator deaths in the country. Unfortunately, escalator deaths also occur in the United States. While they are fairly rare, they can have dire consequences when they do occur. On this page, I will do a breakdown of the states with the most escalator related deaths. Continue reading to learn more about which states have the most and least escalator deaths. If you live in one of these states, you should watch out for escalator issues in order to try to prevent any issues.
The information here is based on the CPSC National Injury Surveillance Survey. There were a total of 24 passenger deaths that occurred on escalators during this time period. This is less than the 56 deaths that occurred due to elevator accidents during this time period. As you can see, we are looking at about half the number of escalator deaths in this time period than deaths due to elevator accidents. These escalator deaths occurred in 12 different states and the District of Columbia.
1. New York, Illinois, District of Columbia, Minnesota
These states had a total of three deaths caused by an escalator in this time period. This makes these states first in the most escalator deaths. One thing to note is that the state of New York is first for both escalator deaths and elevator deaths. 12 elevator deaths occurred in New York during this time, and it is tied for first in escalator deaths. If you live in New York or are visiting the state, keep this in mind while using escalators and elevators.
2. California, Washington, Wisconsin
These states had a total of two deaths caused by an escalator during this time period. This makes these states second in the most escalator deaths in the United States.
3. Alabama, Florida, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Nevada
These states all had a total of one death caused by an escalator during this time period. These states are all tied for third in regard to the most escalator deaths in the United States.
How to Get Help
Have you or someone you know suffered from an escalator injury? If so, you can call our office to get the support you need. You can also learn more about which steps you should take next. You can call us at 203-208-3445 to discuss your situation and have your questions answered. We are happy to help you and your family through this difficult time.